Calitha GOLD Parser Engine Documentation

com.calitha.goldparser.lalr Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
AcceptAction An AcceptAction is an action in a LALR state which means that the input for the LALR parser is tokenized, parsed and accepted .
Action Abstract action class. All actions in a LALR must be inherited from this class.
ActionCollection Type-safe list of Action items.
ActionFactory Factory class for creating Action objects..
GotoAction A GotoAction is an action that tells the LALR parser to go to a new state. A goto action happens after a reduction.
ReduceAction ReduceAction is an action that tells the LALR parser to reduce tokens according to a rule.
ShiftAction ShiftAction is an action to shift a token to the token stack.
State State is a LALR state.
StateCollection Type-safe list of LALR states.