Symbol Type Constants


Message Numeric Value Details
SymbolTypeNonterminal 0 A normal nonterminal.
SymbolTypeTerminal 1 A normal terminal.
SymbolTypeWhitespace 2 This Whitespace symbols is a special terminal that is automatically ignored the the parsing engine. Any text accepted as whitespace is considered to be inconsequential and "meaningless".
SymbolTypeEnd 3 The End symbol is generated when the tokenizer reaches the end of the source text.
SymbolTypeCommentStart 4 This type of symbol designates the start of a block quote.
SymbolTypeCommentEnd 5 This type of symbol designates the end of a block quote.
SymbolTypeCommentLine 6 When the engine reads a token that is recognized as a line comment, the remaining characters on the line are automatically ignored by the parser.
SymbolTypeError 7 The Error symbol is a general-purpose means of representing characters that were not recognized by the tokenizer. In other words, when the tokenizer reads a series of characters that is not accepted by the DFA engine, a token of this type is created.