Rule Object



Each rule consists of a series of symbols, both terminals and nonterminals, and the single nonterminal that the rule defines. Rules are not creatable during runtime but are instead accessed through the GOLDParser object's RuleTable property.



Property Data Type Access Description
RuleNonterminal Symbol Read only Returns the head symbol of the rule.
SymbolCount Integer (16-bit) Read only Returns the number of symbols that consist the body (right-hand-side) of the rule.
Symbols (Index) Symbol Read only Returns one of the symbols that consist the body of the rule. The index of the symbol ranges from 0 to SymbolCount -1
TableIndex Integer (16-bit) Read only Returns the index of the rule in the GOLDParser object's Rule Table.
Text String Read only Returns the Backus-Naur representation of the rule.



This object does not contain any methods.